Can Anyone Tell Me Where There is a Good French Restaurant?

French Restaurant design

When looking for a new restaurant, there is nothing like finding a French restaurant. Every time I go to a new city, finding a French restaurant is always on my “To Do” list. There’s something charming about finding these little gems. Often, I am going both for the food and the décor of the restaurant. I have found that French restaurants frequently have detailed design that speak to the level of artistry that you find in their cooking. It is as though, the French look at dining as a “complete” experience; one for your pallet as well as  your senses. The French don’t leave anything for you to guess about, but instead to imagine, wonder, savor, and desire.

To make your travel planning more simplified, below is a listing of the top 14 French restaurants in the United States. Most are in New York City or somewhere in California. However, there are some in New Orleans, Vegas, Minneapolis. Of shoot, non in my home town.

I hope that you find one that appeals to  your taste. Bon appetite!